OKH Journal: Anthropological Ethnography and Analysis Through the Eyes of Christian Faith

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024)
Published July 25, 2024

Mission of the Journal (ISSN: 2573-4180):

The On Knowing Humanity Journal publishes works in cultural anthropology that are informed by Christian theology.  The work is interdisciplinary, research oriented, theoretical, and scholarly.  The journal is peer reviewed and open access.  Subscription is encouraged and is free.  To subscribe, please scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on "For Readers" under "Information." 

The purpose of the On Knowing Humanity Journal is to promote the development of a Christian faith-based approach to anthropology.  This new school of thought in Christian anthropology, parallel to Marxist or feminist anthropologies, is located within the larger discipline of anthropology.  It encourages all anthropologists to incorporate insights from theology into their accounts of people and cultures, and allows religiously committed anthropologists to speak freely of the ways in which their commitments inform their theory and practice.  It also raises new questions and lines of research on subjects such as:  the significance of humanity's unique calling in nature for personhood and the construction of culture; the underlying reasons for humanity’s destructive behavior toward self, others, and the environment; and the role that divine redemption and hope play in human lived experience and practice.  Special emphasis is placed on the reincorporation of teleology, in the sense of purpose, into scientific understanding.  Through collaborative research and scholarship, the OKH Journal invites dialogue between Christian anthropologists and anthropologists of all persuasions around a deeper understanding of the human condition, and encourages the doing of anthropological research and writing “through the eyes of faith.”

Full Issue
OKHJ 8(2)
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